Sunday, May 25, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Facebook and Living in HOPE on the Homestead

I quit Facebook a couple of months ago.  It wasn't really the big deal I thought it would be.  I found that I really didn't miss knowing what my third grade teacher's cousin had for lunch.  What I have missed is the creative vent.  The ability to, in a few lines, express myself.  Facebook was much easier on my schedule than blogging.  On Facebook, it all happened right where I was, on the phone in my hand.  A few short lines and bam - Creative juices satisfied.  I know blogging can be a excellent alternative.  Yet, I find blogging, so much more intimidating.  It requires such precision in word choice, such attention to detail, and for me a keyboard.  I can't blog on my phone.  I have to sit with keyboard under my hands, fingers resting on the home row keys, while I let creativity flow from my head through my heart and out my fingers.

So, I have opted out of my Sunday afternoon nap to vent what is gnawing at my soul. . . 

. . . loss. . .

Loss comes in so many forms.  Yet, it always finds a way to hurt.  This week my losses are piling up.  They are quickly overwhelming my gains at a rate that makes my head spin. 
I cling to HOPE.
Knowing that each loss is just a way for HOPE to shine brighter.
Knowing that God already saw this coming.
Knowing that so many others out there hurt much more than I.
Knowing that when it gets this dark - it has to get brighter soon.

Loss will not define me.  It will not be what make me who I am.  It will only be a chisel to refine and shape.  It will be a tool with which I can see HOPE.  

We have called our little world here in the middle of country.  Hope on the Homestead.  Praying that it was going to be a beacon of HOPE for all those who entered.  A place to know that God is Love and He longs to be apart of your life, giving you a HOPE for the future.  I didn't realize that I would be our number customer :)