Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Homesteading Medlin Style

New Homestead = New Blog Address

Over a year ago, God put our priorities in check and rearranged our lives.  We sold our big house in the city and moved to a smaller house in the country.  We left our church of 450 in the city and moved to church of 75 a bit farther out.  We took a step back from the electronic age we all live in and can not avoid (here i am blogging about it) and got rid of cable tv and our kids became unplugged on school days.  We purged and purged and purged some more through all our material possessions.  And found that we really didn't need that much after all.  But most of all we decided that this little family of five (+God) was the most important thing happening right now.  Our God, our marriage, our kids nothing else mattered.  When we lined all that up the rest of this stuff just fell into place.  Why?  God told us too.  How?  Only with His help, it wasn't easy.

So the "Little House in Tomball" becomes the "Little Homestead in Hockley" . . . let's see if I can keep blogging through all this :).

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