Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Are you a rooster or a hen?

      After building a coop from scrap material left on our property, I promptly filled it with hens.  I had decided a couple of things after all my research.  One - I didn't want to start with bittys.  I needed my chickens to start out semi-grown and healthy.  After I learned adult chicken care, then we would see about babies.  Two - I didn't want a rooster.  I had done lots of research on the pro's and con's of a  rooster.  I had decided, I could get all the eggs I needed without a rooster.  And my neighbor's would be happy.  So the hen house was filled with two layers, two soon to be layers, and three pullets (teenage chickens).
      Well, my pullets have grown up, they are adult chickens.  Guess what?. . . . I think I have a rooster!  They told me all three where hens, but it looks like a rooster, acts like a rooster, and yet after all my research on rooster telling - I still don't know.  Sounds crazy doesn't it.  One should be able to tell.  Really it's what on the inside that counts, because it's what's on the inside that will or will not produce an egg.  Looks, personality, characteristics, those are all surface thing.  Things that hens and roosters both can show.  But it's those internal things we can't see that determines, if I get eggs or not.

Got me to thinking - One may look "Godly" on the outside, but really it's what on the inside.  It is the condition of the heart that determines, if we bear good fruit or not.  And it is the fact that we bear good fruit that proves the condition of our heart.

This is Caroline.  She is most certainly a hen.  She is a consistent layer of beautiful eggs, and the self appointed keeper of the nest.  She works all day to keep the laying box clean and ready for all to lay eggs.

2/20/13 Update:  Enough time has passed for me to positively verify - I have a rooster!

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