Thursday, September 19, 2013

Do you know you're a Duck?

So having the homestead has afforded us many opportunities, one of which is rescuing three hens, a rooster, and duck from a local business.  They had been dropped off to fend for themselves in the deep woods.  Now the actual rescue process is whole different blog for a different day - wow, what a story.  But today, I want to share a lesson I learned from our sweet little duck.

She came to us not knowing she was a duck.  She had grown up with these chickens and she acted like a chicken.  She tried to eat like a chicken, sleep like a chicken, take a dust bath like a chicken, even scratch with her web feet like a chicken.  She had no idea she was made for the water.  She didn't look for water.  She never sat longingly with a dreamy look in her eyes wishing for water.  She was just trying to be a chicken.  Yet, you could tell she was frustrated.  She couldn't really be a chicken.

Our goal was to make her realize she was a duck.  It was a slow process.  It was a gradual introduction to water.  First, we just made puddles in the yard for her to find.  She would find them and while the chickens would stand on the edge and just take a sips.  She found she could wade right into the middle and enjoy the puddle.  She would drink the water and splash it in the air.  This led us to making her a small "pond" out of a shallow feeding trough.  Once she found the trough she spent two weeks just circling it.  She never attempted to get in.  She enjoyed playing, drinking, and splashing from the outside.  And then it happened.  Yesterday morning as I opened the barn doors, she ran from the barn and jumped all in into the "pond".  She was amazed.  She realized she was a duck.  She was made for the water.  She spent the next hour splashing, dunking and floating in her "pond".   She is now so content.  So, ready to be a duck.  Now she is the only duck in our chicken world.  But she is an awesome duck.  And she loves the water!!!!

Ok, so do you see it!  The sermon just waiting to seen.

When spend so much of our time trying to fit into a world that we were not created for.  We try to fit in and be like those around us, knowing the entire time that something is not right.  Once we get a taste of the Living Water (Jesus), we just keep going back for more.  Until finally we love the Water so much, we just jump in.  We submerge ourselves in the Living Water.  We fill ourselves with Him.  We can't get enough of Him.  We want to swim in Him, play in Him, rest in Him, float in Him, and cleanse ourselves in Him.   We want the Water to be our reason for living.  Go back and read our ducks story again this time thinking about yourself and how you feel about the Living Water (Jesus).

I am so happy that I found out I am duck!  Jesus the Living Water has made a huge difference in my life.  He longs to be your hope and fulfillment too. All you have to do is jump in!  Trust me the Water is great!

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