Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The World's Largest Gummy Bear

So a couple weeks ago, we are traveling through Louisiana, on our way to VA for some grandparent time. The troops are getting restless and I really have no reason to stop.  Gas tank not too low, not time to eat, no one says they need to potty, we were all just kinda tired of being strapped in the seated position.

That's when I spotted it  -  A small little billboard in the middle of a field.  Years of weather had taken away its shine and thrill, but I could still read it.  "Next Exit - The World's Largest Gummy Bear" . . .  There is it was, our reason to stop.  Who could pass up the world's largest gummy bear?  What we found was a neatest little candy shop, full of vintage toys, and candy. . . and the world's largest gummy bear - all 6.5 pounds of it!  We spent 30 minutes shopping and looking, I reminisced and the kids laughed.  We entered the car ready for the next leg of our journey.

You know God does that for you.  When the road seems long and you feel trapped in your current position.  He has rest stops that allow you see, experience, and learn awesome things.  You just have to keep your eye out for the road signs.  They are not the big bright flashing ones - those are dangerous.  No, they are the small ones set there just for you.  To point you to a place and moment you can rest and recharge.  Chances are you will get to see and experience something amazing, while you are there.

God's like that . . .AMAZING!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Granola - Yummy!

Here is a homemade Granola Recipe.
It's from a friend at church.

Granola by Barb
6 cups old fashion oats
3/4 cup wheat germ
1/2 cup coconut
i blend mine in the chopper a few times so my family doesn't know it's in there :-)
1/4 cup sesame seeds
i have made with and without - sometimes i throw these in with coconut to chop to release a different flavor
1 cup chopped nuts
 i have used all kinds - peanuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, almonds, again i chop these fine - you can leave them in bigger chunks if you like
1/2 cup nonfat dry milk
2/3 cup honey
2/3 cup oil
2 tablespoons water
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

In a large bowl combine oats, wheat germ, coconut, sesame seeds, nuts, and dry milk.
Combine honey, oil, water and vanilla.
Add liquid mixture to dry mixture and stir well.
Turn into large shallow baking pan.
Bake 325 for 40-45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
Stir several times while cooking.
When cool, you can add dried fruit or chips. - I have used raisins, dried cranberries, dried blueberries, banana chips, and mini-chocolate chips at various times.  Sometimes I combine; sometimes they stand alone.
Store in airtight container.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God asked me to join the circus :)

Many years ago, God asked me to join this circus.  He handed me all these plates, and said, "Rachel, I want you to be a plate spinner. . ."  Well, in all my eagerness, I grab them and started spinning.

The plates say - mom, wife, homeschool teacher, small printing business owner,  part-time work-from-home employee for a local quick-service restaurant (I have connections) - those are the big ones.  I have little plates that say - taxi, beautician, nurse, laundress, cook, maid, . . .well you get the idea.

For years I have tried and failed to spin every plate all day all the time.

A few weeks ago, the Lord said, "Rachel, when I asked you to join this circus and gave you all these plates; I also gave you a cupboard. But you started spinning so fast and have been so busy I couldn't get you stopped to tell you."

I had been so busy trying to keep everything spinning that I never stopped to think God had given me a cupboard.

Cupboards are great.  They hold things while you are not using them.  They keep them safe, dry, and clean; so they are ready for their next use.

So now instead of trying to spin all the plates at once, I just pick up the plate I need from the cupboard and spin it for awhile, then put it back.  Now don't get me wrong, many of my plates spin 24/7, but it has been nice to know that I have few I can put safely in the cupboard, until they are needed.   I don't have to worry about them while they are not spinning.  They are not going anywhere, they are safe in the cupboard designed by God.

This has allowed me to become a much better plate spinner.

God asked me to join this circus to be a plate spinner.

God also gave me a cupboard :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pushing Through

I often struggle with the fact that I don't make an impact for God in my everyday life.  I wish that I could show many how amazing my God is and how following Him can change your life.  (Yes, change it for the better, now it doesn't always feel that way while your going through it, but I hear the eternal reward it totally worth it.) I struggle knowing that I am confined to this house and not out in some adventurous land showing natives how wonderful my God is.  And then it hits me, my house is my adventurous land, the little natives who grow up in this house, need God just as much as anybody.  Right now, these four walls are my mission field.  I may raise the next President, the next Billy Graham or next garbage man.  Either way, I pray that I am helping to raise people who will choose Christ.  Amazing people, who want to share who their God is and how amazing He is, wherever their life takes them.  So today, I will push through all the doubt and struggle; and I will let my little natives see just how awesome God is!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Homemade Shower Cleaner

Have had a lot of requests for the shower cleaner recipe I found on-line.
Here it is. . .

1/2 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide
1/2 cup of Rubbing Alcohol
1/4 tsp of dish soap (6-8 drops)
2 tsp of white vinegar
1 1/2 cup of water

This did not fill my bottle, and doubling it would have been too much, so on my last batch I altered the recipe just bit - adding more vinegar and not as much water. It is working great.  It has cut the hard water from glass shower and is keeping the grime away :)

my altered recipe
1 cup peroxide
1 cup alcohol
1/2 tsp of dish soap
1/2 cup white vinegar
fill the rest of bottle with water

Let me know what you try and how it works . . .

Oh my what a month . . .

Last month was one of those whirlwind adventures that take forever while you there, but it seems like it flew by when there over.

It all started with a four day hospital stay for my oldest.  He got some kind of bite on his foot that infected him and his blood.  After two allergic reactions and four days in the hospital I am happy to report he is fully recovered except for a strangely colored scar.  I am still recovering . . . lol. . . as if the scare of the entire ordeal was not enough.  Sleeping on a balance beam they call a parent cot, may have altered my sleeping habits for a long time.

We left just days after recovery for a two week trip to Virginia to see my folks.  We had a great time.  Here is small list of what we did. . .
  • Somewhere in Louisiana, we saw the world's largest gummy bear
  • We found a vending machine in Alabama that had old coins - Daniel is the proud owner of a 1910 dime :) for only a quarter . . . lol
  • We hit more buffets than one can imagine.  Breakfast buffets are the kids favorite.
  • We picked wild raspberries to make daddy a pie
  • We camped near a field of horses that Emily found to be quite enjoyable.
  • Daniel made sure the camp fire was always going and became quite the firework master.
  • We went to a drive thru safari - my vehicle will never be the same - and neither will my shoulder - Zebra's bit hard. . . lol.
  • We explored Dixie Cavern in VA - my kid's still have no idea I have a fear of caves.  I must admit I was an amazing actress that day.
  • We swam at some pretty cool places.
  • The boys built a teepee complete with sides and flooring, they even built furniture with uncle ryan.
  • They had a great time with their mamaw and papaw.  The golf cart was a big hit.
  • Emily and I spent the day with an old high school friend and her daughter and had the best time.  Realized with good friends time has no meaning.  It was like we had seen each yesterday not 12 years ago.
  • We spent the day with my brother and his family.  The cousins had a great time playing.  We let them play late into the night and one point they came from their room so excited - "We played until tomorrow" 
  • On our trip home we toured the Mayfield Creamer.
  • And last but not least (lol) we found truck stop in LA that live tiger's!!!! I don't know what was more exciting to Micah the tiger's or the truck's.  :)
That's just the short list :)  While we had a amazing time, I realized that two weeks is long time be away from your soul mate.  I was so happy to be in arms again. While the trip seemed to be long while we were adventuring, when I was wrapped in his hug again, it was all just moment.

Thanks to mom and dad, who made our adventure possible.  And thanks to my husband who stayed back and worked, so we would have a home to come home too.  I am truly blessed.