Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God asked me to join the circus :)

Many years ago, God asked me to join this circus.  He handed me all these plates, and said, "Rachel, I want you to be a plate spinner. . ."  Well, in all my eagerness, I grab them and started spinning.

The plates say - mom, wife, homeschool teacher, small printing business owner,  part-time work-from-home employee for a local quick-service restaurant (I have connections) - those are the big ones.  I have little plates that say - taxi, beautician, nurse, laundress, cook, maid, . . .well you get the idea.

For years I have tried and failed to spin every plate all day all the time.

A few weeks ago, the Lord said, "Rachel, when I asked you to join this circus and gave you all these plates; I also gave you a cupboard. But you started spinning so fast and have been so busy I couldn't get you stopped to tell you."

I had been so busy trying to keep everything spinning that I never stopped to think God had given me a cupboard.

Cupboards are great.  They hold things while you are not using them.  They keep them safe, dry, and clean; so they are ready for their next use.

So now instead of trying to spin all the plates at once, I just pick up the plate I need from the cupboard and spin it for awhile, then put it back.  Now don't get me wrong, many of my plates spin 24/7, but it has been nice to know that I have few I can put safely in the cupboard, until they are needed.   I don't have to worry about them while they are not spinning.  They are not going anywhere, they are safe in the cupboard designed by God.

This has allowed me to become a much better plate spinner.

God asked me to join this circus to be a plate spinner.

God also gave me a cupboard :)


  1. I hope you don't mind that I share this post...

  2. Love it and so can relate. Thanks for sharing. God is good. Ellie
