Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I love it when a plan comes together - John "Hannibal" Smith

Well, It's been awhile. . . posting has not been easy these past few weeks.  God is making some changes in our family, and while they have not been easy - they are exciting.

My husband doesn't care for change, he loves normal everyday the same kinda structure.  Me . . .well remember I change the house around once a quarter. . .enough said.  So when God planted urgency in his heart and patience in mine - we hit the same point :) "I love it when a plan comes together" (yes we watch the A-Team)

God is pushing us out of our comfort zone,  pushing us outside what we thought our limits were.  And it is here, outside of everything that seems normal, outside of everything the world calls right, it here that we find God is more real than He has ever been before.  Don't get me wrong, God was a huge part of what we have always been, but here pushed outside of the box - God has no limits.  

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