Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Quiet" time

Today started late.
The princess woke up cranky.
The dog refuses to go outside (too hot).
The dishwasher didn't get ran last night.
The boys don't have any underwear clean.
I will stop now, my list of irritations will quickly bore you. . .

But I have determined - the darkness will not win!

My God is bigger than my laundry, my cranky kids, my crazy dog, and my alarm clock.

I decided in the midst of it all, while the kids cried, the dog barked, and time clicked on  - I was gonna spend some time with Him.  Now it wasn't the "quiet" time, that I longed for.  But it was time with Him, time in the word, chapter from a Christian author, and cup of joe.  And I made it all happen right in the middle of the madness.  And now coming out on the other side, my day doesn't look so daunting.

Time will go on.
The princess will be cranky.
The dog will camp out in the laundry room.
I will run the dishwasher three times today instead of twice.
And I will do more laundry today than I planned.

And at the end of the day.

I will survive.

God gives me strength.

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