Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I know many still have snow on the ground or like here we are experiencing a big freeze, but let's think about gardening today.

Do you garden?
If so, do you incorporate this into school?

We garden, kinda . . .lol. In Texas, you can garden year around, but we only garden the first of the year. We start about now with potatoes and gradually add the things we eat through the rest of the season. Last year, I had to have surgery on my hand and our garden went bust. This year I am hopefully for a bountiful harvest. Now don't get the wrong impression in your head. We do not live out the country on a couple acres, where I have a big track of land I can plow up. We live in town in a sub-division, with a very small yard. Where do you garden? - you ask. I use my flower beds. I have one in the front of the house and one on the side of the house, that get the perfect amount of sun and rain. I make sure I plant aesthetically, so that the neighbors do not even notice my beautiful flowerbeds are vegetables. Now with this kind of gardening, I only produce enough for us to eat. We don't usually get enough to can or freeze. During season, gardening is part of our school and chore list. The kids really enjoy being apart of the process. I have one who loves to plant and one who loves to harvest. I have also found they are more apt to eat what they work hard to grow :)

Tell me more about what you do for gardening. . .
I need some pointers. . .


  1. So I planted some potatoes for the first time ever in my life. How do I know when they are ready to harvest?

  2. Laura - when the potato plants start to whither and die above the ground, this mean they are no longer giving nutrients to your tubers down below.
    We plant in Jan and harvest in May, if that gives you an idea of time frame. Be sure to turn the earth all around the plants to get all the potatoes. Happy Gardening. We had fresh green beans and potatoes out of the garden last night, well worth the wait :)

  3. awesome thank you i got these potatoes on clearance at walmart for a $1 and thought I only had a dollar to loose. Watching my tomatoes grow and I also have eggplant, asparagus, and peppers planted we shall see what we eat!
