Friday, January 7, 2011

Ministry Opportunities that are Kid Friendly

After coming out of the Christmas Season. I am sure we all have ideas on how we can allow our kids to have ministry opportunities that are right for their age and maturity level.

Here is one of mine - that I have been asked to share - my kids are all upper elementary

We continually keep "kits" in our car to pass to the homeless we see on the streets.
  • Each kits is either a freezer (freezer bags are more durable) gallon zip bag or a zipper lunch bag usually from the clearance section.
  • We fill each bag with nonperishable food - ex. sandwich crackers, tuna salad kits, apple sauce, chips, pop-tarts, nuts, granola bars, water, juice
  • Make sure that nothing requires water or heat to be consumed.
  • Make sure that all items can be opened without an extra tool.
  • We also put personnel items in the bags - ex. travel soaps and shampoos, toothbrushes, tissues, hand sanitizer, and in winter months gloves, hats, hand warmers
  • You can also purchase $.50 copies of the Bible at area Christian book stores that we have been known to include.
We have made large runs where we pass out many at a time. But usually we just keep a box of these in our car and my kids will always spot a homeless person that we can pass one along to.

This is great opportunity for my family, because as a homeschool family we are on the road a lot. This is a great way for my kids to be proactive in finding people to help. I like that we spend time as a family preparing them at home. I have also found that my kids hit the clearance section in most stores to see what items we can find for our "kits". It has been neat to watch them show compassion at their age. It is a safe way for my kids to minister in our community.

What ideas do you have?
Please post a comment :)

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome! We may have to try that sometime.
