Monday, January 31, 2011

great ideas . . . lead to big questions

So I had this great idea last night as I lay in bed trying to sleep, that I was gonna blog about today, but for the life of me - I can't remember.

Must not have been that great then - huh?

Do you ever have trouble keeping up with it all? Do you sometimes think if your brain has to hold another spelling word it just might explode? Do you find that you dream of three different English lessons coming alive and seizing your vocal cords? Do you wonder if anyone else fantasizes about lesson plan fairies and instant math brain chips?

Do you find that just surviving Monday is a major life goal?

Here is to you and knowing you can do it - YOU CAN CONQUER MONDAY - I know you can :)


  1. I have thought my head would explode if I had to remember one more thing... I write it on the calendar so I won't forget, but then I forget to look at the calendar!

  2. Happy Monday to you, Rachel! And the nightmares are just part of teaching. I still have a recurring nightmare about standing in front of my science class with no lesson plan for the day, in my undergarments, yelling at the top of my lungs to get the kids attention when my AP walks in the door for a surprise review. I'm afraid that one may never go away... :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I had a copy of a cartoon strip from the Baby Blues hanging on my frig for awhile. (paraphrased as best I remember) The mom was getting ready for the day talking on and on to the husband about what her day was going to be like. First she was making lunch for everyone and described in detail who liked what kinds of sandwiches, then she would drop the kids at school, then run all these errands, then make 20 cupcakes for the party that day; 1/2 of them blue, 1/2 of them orange. Then she'd leave there early to pick up the dry cleaning, pick back up the kids, run home to make dinner etc. etc. The husband finally, you've really got it all do you keep all that info in your head straight and still remember all the other stuff. To which the wife responds....there is no other stuff!

    That's how I feel most of the time. My life is so crazy and I'm constantly running, that the only thing I can think about it what absolutly has to be done today.

    I try to be organized...but that doesn't always work. I truly rely on my calendar and would probably be in big trouble if anything happen to it. No words of wisdom here....just know that you are not alone!!!
