Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Schedules, Calendars, Events, OH NO!

This is one that I have pondered each year and still have not found the perfect solution.

This topic, like yesterday, can be broken down into two different topics.

Daily Schedule -
How does school work at your house?

Is it a come and go, just so you get it done by the end of the day kinda feeling?

Or do you ring a bell, start with calisthenics and the pledge, and time each event through out the day?

We have tried it both ways :) right now we are caught somewhere in the middle.

One of the best tools I found when trying to make my daily schedule was the book Managers of the Their Home - while I do follow it to the letter. It does help me see what each of the kids need to accomplish and what I need to get done each day. I really like to use it at the beginning of each school year when I am planning out my year.

Weekly Schedule -
One way we try to keep a schedule going in our house is a Google calendar - each family member has a calendar and we are all linked together. This allows us to see where everyone is and what their doing each day. The kids have their school schedule in it, their extra curricular activities, their church stuff, etc. I have the school schedule, my monthly mom's meetings, church events, etc. And my husband puts in his work schedule, day off, church activities, etc. We can easily see any conflicts and lap-over and then decided, if we eliminate something or split up - I go one way, while dad goes another. It has helped so much this year, and we rarely forget an event now!

Now it's your turn . . .
Enlighten me, girls!

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