Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Summer Break - NOT!

Well it's getting close. . . that time as a homeschool mom I dread. The end of the public school year.

You see, we are constant homeschoolers, because we are constant breakers.  Let me explain.  We don't ever really take an official break in our school year.  But we take frequent pauses to go camping, spend time with visiting relatives, spend days off with dad, let mom have a break, etc.  So, we homeschool year around.  In fall and spring, when the days are cool and pleasant - school days are short and time outside is long.  But on those hot summer days, when just looking outside makes us sweat - we have long school days and short outside time.  This is a great plan and my kids love it until all of our traditionally schooled friends get excited about "Summer Break".  And they look at me with those puppy dogs eyes and say, "mom, are we going to work all summer!"  And I look back with my most gracious smile and scream, "Yes, we are gonna work all summer, we haven't done thing all year!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. We have the same thing happen here. When the weather all of a sudden turns nice, we take a day off to go to the zoo or park. I tell them we are able to do this because we set our own schedule and everyone else is in school!!

    Then, when they start to whine because the neighbor boys are getting out of school, I remind them of all the times we got to do 'extra' things.
