Friday, September 2, 2011

Warning - Full On Homeschool Blog Post


While I dream about the former, the later it a reality for our house.  
Hands on learning happens a lot, around here.  
And this is one reason we homeschool,
not for the 10 page history paper, but for the Solar Cooker :)



Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I love it when a plan comes together - John "Hannibal" Smith

Well, It's been awhile. . . posting has not been easy these past few weeks.  God is making some changes in our family, and while they have not been easy - they are exciting.

My husband doesn't care for change, he loves normal everyday the same kinda structure.  Me . . .well remember I change the house around once a quarter. . .enough said.  So when God planted urgency in his heart and patience in mine - we hit the same point :) "I love it when a plan comes together" (yes we watch the A-Team)

God is pushing us out of our comfort zone,  pushing us outside what we thought our limits were.  And it is here, outside of everything that seems normal, outside of everything the world calls right, it here that we find God is more real than He has ever been before.  Don't get me wrong, God was a huge part of what we have always been, but here pushed outside of the box - God has no limits.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Quiet" time

Today started late.
The princess woke up cranky.
The dog refuses to go outside (too hot).
The dishwasher didn't get ran last night.
The boys don't have any underwear clean.
I will stop now, my list of irritations will quickly bore you. . .

But I have determined - the darkness will not win!

My God is bigger than my laundry, my cranky kids, my crazy dog, and my alarm clock.

I decided in the midst of it all, while the kids cried, the dog barked, and time clicked on  - I was gonna spend some time with Him.  Now it wasn't the "quiet" time, that I longed for.  But it was time with Him, time in the word, chapter from a Christian author, and cup of joe.  And I made it all happen right in the middle of the madness.  And now coming out on the other side, my day doesn't look so daunting.

Time will go on.
The princess will be cranky.
The dog will camp out in the laundry room.
I will run the dishwasher three times today instead of twice.
And I will do more laundry today than I planned.

And at the end of the day.

I will survive.

God gives me strength.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Frustration has hit maximum - overload in t-minus two minutes . . . warning!

I know we have all been there -
Frustration has hit maximum - 
overload in t-minus two minutes . . . warning!  
Suddenly you find yourself pushed to the point past aggravated, past perturbed, right into total frustration.
The kind where you wanna throw your hands up and give in.
Let them win.
Let them have their way.

Then you remember - oh yeah I am in charge.
I set the mood here.
I decide what happens and what doesn't.

Then you realize - you get to pick how it all begins.
Are you thrown into the fire of it with no preparation?
Or have you spent some time preparing?
In others words - are you prayed up?
This seemingly simple event will make all the difference in the world.

I don't know if you will agree with me or not.
I have found, the more time I spend preparing with God before heading in - the longer it takes for me to get to - Frustration has hit maximum - 
overload in t-minus two minutes . . . warning!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The World's Largest Gummy Bear

So a couple weeks ago, we are traveling through Louisiana, on our way to VA for some grandparent time. The troops are getting restless and I really have no reason to stop.  Gas tank not too low, not time to eat, no one says they need to potty, we were all just kinda tired of being strapped in the seated position.

That's when I spotted it  -  A small little billboard in the middle of a field.  Years of weather had taken away its shine and thrill, but I could still read it.  "Next Exit - The World's Largest Gummy Bear" . . .  There is it was, our reason to stop.  Who could pass up the world's largest gummy bear?  What we found was a neatest little candy shop, full of vintage toys, and candy. . . and the world's largest gummy bear - all 6.5 pounds of it!  We spent 30 minutes shopping and looking, I reminisced and the kids laughed.  We entered the car ready for the next leg of our journey.

You know God does that for you.  When the road seems long and you feel trapped in your current position.  He has rest stops that allow you see, experience, and learn awesome things.  You just have to keep your eye out for the road signs.  They are not the big bright flashing ones - those are dangerous.  No, they are the small ones set there just for you.  To point you to a place and moment you can rest and recharge.  Chances are you will get to see and experience something amazing, while you are there.

God's like that . . .AMAZING!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Granola - Yummy!

Here is a homemade Granola Recipe.
It's from a friend at church.

Granola by Barb
6 cups old fashion oats
3/4 cup wheat germ
1/2 cup coconut
i blend mine in the chopper a few times so my family doesn't know it's in there :-)
1/4 cup sesame seeds
i have made with and without - sometimes i throw these in with coconut to chop to release a different flavor
1 cup chopped nuts
 i have used all kinds - peanuts, pecans, sunflower seeds, almonds, again i chop these fine - you can leave them in bigger chunks if you like
1/2 cup nonfat dry milk
2/3 cup honey
2/3 cup oil
2 tablespoons water
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

In a large bowl combine oats, wheat germ, coconut, sesame seeds, nuts, and dry milk.
Combine honey, oil, water and vanilla.
Add liquid mixture to dry mixture and stir well.
Turn into large shallow baking pan.
Bake 325 for 40-45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
Stir several times while cooking.
When cool, you can add dried fruit or chips. - I have used raisins, dried cranberries, dried blueberries, banana chips, and mini-chocolate chips at various times.  Sometimes I combine; sometimes they stand alone.
Store in airtight container.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God asked me to join the circus :)

Many years ago, God asked me to join this circus.  He handed me all these plates, and said, "Rachel, I want you to be a plate spinner. . ."  Well, in all my eagerness, I grab them and started spinning.

The plates say - mom, wife, homeschool teacher, small printing business owner,  part-time work-from-home employee for a local quick-service restaurant (I have connections) - those are the big ones.  I have little plates that say - taxi, beautician, nurse, laundress, cook, maid, . . .well you get the idea.

For years I have tried and failed to spin every plate all day all the time.

A few weeks ago, the Lord said, "Rachel, when I asked you to join this circus and gave you all these plates; I also gave you a cupboard. But you started spinning so fast and have been so busy I couldn't get you stopped to tell you."

I had been so busy trying to keep everything spinning that I never stopped to think God had given me a cupboard.

Cupboards are great.  They hold things while you are not using them.  They keep them safe, dry, and clean; so they are ready for their next use.

So now instead of trying to spin all the plates at once, I just pick up the plate I need from the cupboard and spin it for awhile, then put it back.  Now don't get me wrong, many of my plates spin 24/7, but it has been nice to know that I have few I can put safely in the cupboard, until they are needed.   I don't have to worry about them while they are not spinning.  They are not going anywhere, they are safe in the cupboard designed by God.

This has allowed me to become a much better plate spinner.

God asked me to join this circus to be a plate spinner.

God also gave me a cupboard :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pushing Through

I often struggle with the fact that I don't make an impact for God in my everyday life.  I wish that I could show many how amazing my God is and how following Him can change your life.  (Yes, change it for the better, now it doesn't always feel that way while your going through it, but I hear the eternal reward it totally worth it.) I struggle knowing that I am confined to this house and not out in some adventurous land showing natives how wonderful my God is.  And then it hits me, my house is my adventurous land, the little natives who grow up in this house, need God just as much as anybody.  Right now, these four walls are my mission field.  I may raise the next President, the next Billy Graham or next garbage man.  Either way, I pray that I am helping to raise people who will choose Christ.  Amazing people, who want to share who their God is and how amazing He is, wherever their life takes them.  So today, I will push through all the doubt and struggle; and I will let my little natives see just how awesome God is!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Homemade Shower Cleaner

Have had a lot of requests for the shower cleaner recipe I found on-line.
Here it is. . .

1/2 cup of Hydrogen Peroxide
1/2 cup of Rubbing Alcohol
1/4 tsp of dish soap (6-8 drops)
2 tsp of white vinegar
1 1/2 cup of water

This did not fill my bottle, and doubling it would have been too much, so on my last batch I altered the recipe just bit - adding more vinegar and not as much water. It is working great.  It has cut the hard water from glass shower and is keeping the grime away :)

my altered recipe
1 cup peroxide
1 cup alcohol
1/2 tsp of dish soap
1/2 cup white vinegar
fill the rest of bottle with water

Let me know what you try and how it works . . .

Oh my what a month . . .

Last month was one of those whirlwind adventures that take forever while you there, but it seems like it flew by when there over.

It all started with a four day hospital stay for my oldest.  He got some kind of bite on his foot that infected him and his blood.  After two allergic reactions and four days in the hospital I am happy to report he is fully recovered except for a strangely colored scar.  I am still recovering . . . lol. . . as if the scare of the entire ordeal was not enough.  Sleeping on a balance beam they call a parent cot, may have altered my sleeping habits for a long time.

We left just days after recovery for a two week trip to Virginia to see my folks.  We had a great time.  Here is small list of what we did. . .
  • Somewhere in Louisiana, we saw the world's largest gummy bear
  • We found a vending machine in Alabama that had old coins - Daniel is the proud owner of a 1910 dime :) for only a quarter . . . lol
  • We hit more buffets than one can imagine.  Breakfast buffets are the kids favorite.
  • We picked wild raspberries to make daddy a pie
  • We camped near a field of horses that Emily found to be quite enjoyable.
  • Daniel made sure the camp fire was always going and became quite the firework master.
  • We went to a drive thru safari - my vehicle will never be the same - and neither will my shoulder - Zebra's bit hard. . . lol.
  • We explored Dixie Cavern in VA - my kid's still have no idea I have a fear of caves.  I must admit I was an amazing actress that day.
  • We swam at some pretty cool places.
  • The boys built a teepee complete with sides and flooring, they even built furniture with uncle ryan.
  • They had a great time with their mamaw and papaw.  The golf cart was a big hit.
  • Emily and I spent the day with an old high school friend and her daughter and had the best time.  Realized with good friends time has no meaning.  It was like we had seen each yesterday not 12 years ago.
  • We spent the day with my brother and his family.  The cousins had a great time playing.  We let them play late into the night and one point they came from their room so excited - "We played until tomorrow" 
  • On our trip home we toured the Mayfield Creamer.
  • And last but not least (lol) we found truck stop in LA that live tiger's!!!! I don't know what was more exciting to Micah the tiger's or the truck's.  :)
That's just the short list :)  While we had a amazing time, I realized that two weeks is long time be away from your soul mate.  I was so happy to be in arms again. While the trip seemed to be long while we were adventuring, when I was wrapped in his hug again, it was all just moment.

Thanks to mom and dad, who made our adventure possible.  And thanks to my husband who stayed back and worked, so we would have a home to come home too.  I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Read it again!

Today is one of those days, when I just want to curl up with a good book and get lost!  I love getting lost in the pages of great story.  As the story unfolds from the black and white words in front of me, the movie unfolds in my mind in vivid color and detail.   Crazy thing is in every book I have ever read the main character bears I striking resemblance to myself :)  Sometimes I like a new book, one where I wait with anticipation to see how the story unfolds.  But other times, I want an old faithful, one that I have read before, one that takes me to a familiar place, takes me home.

My Old Faithfuls childrens books, young adult, and adult - i like to read them all :)
The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks
The Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Anne of Green Gables Series by Lucy Maud Montgomery
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyon - i often read the abridged version with updated english :)
The Little House by Virginia Lee Burton - this is a children's book but it will always be my favorite

Do you have any old faithfuls?

When you want to get away, what do you read?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day for me

You already know we do things a bit strange around here, this is just gonna add to the list :)

Memorial Day for most is spending time going to graveyards placing beautiful wreaths on the graves of loved ones.  Memorial Day for us - ICE CREAM!

You see years ago when my pappy john (my greatgrandpa) was still around, he said to my mom, "don't cry over my grave, don't waste money on flowers i will never see.  Take those babies and get them some ice cream."  He loved ice cream and he loved us.  He wanted us to not be sad on this day of remembering, but to remember the good times, the stuff he loved.  And I am pretty sure ice cream topped his list.  So out of no disrespect for others, today I will take my kids for ice cream.  We will celebrate the life of a man, they never knew, but who prayed for them before they were born or even knew they were a possibility.  He died when I was about 8 years old, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt he prayed for me.  He prayed for my future and my future family, he was just that kind a guy.  He made an impression on my life that will always remain.

Today as we eat our ice cream, the memories of him will flood back like a river.

I will remember gardening with him, well actually I just played in the dirt, he did the gardening, but I thought I was working so hard :)

I remember he could eat corn on the cob by the dozen.

I remember riding on his lap from WV to OH in the front of a pick truck and eating fried chicken straight from the bucket. (This was before seatbelt laws, and besides there were so many of us in the front of that thing, if we wrecked, no one would have moved.)

I remember stopping in Ironton for the ice cream every time we drove through, because there was a place there that made the biggest ice cream cones you have ever seen.  Soft serve at least 18inches high!

I remember finding him asleep in his rocking chair and asking him if he was sleeping and would say - "nah, just checkin' for holes".  For years I believed he actually thought there could be holes in his eyelids.

I remember watching him pray and seeing miracles happen - I am talking biblical miracles here, people.

The last memory I have of him, I fell asleep at my grandparents and he carried me out.  I opened my sleepy little eyes and saw his kind face in his old red ball cap, and his kiss me on the head (one of those kisses that you know has a prayer behind it) and whispered - "I love you"

Enjoy your Memorial Day in the way that your family feels best, and you feel like you have honored those who have gone on before.

As for me and my family, don't wonder when you see us laughing over ice cream, we are just honoring a great man!
Me and Pappy 1975

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Do you like change?

I am not a big material person.  You could say my house is decorated in minimalist style.  But I do love fresh looks.  I just completed the quad-annual, rearrange the house so everything feels new.  I like walking into a room that feels fresh, new, clean.  I have moved all the furniture, rearrange the cabinets, and found new homes for many items.  This will last for a season and then my nomadic spirit of change will rise again and my husband will no longer be able to find the plates.

What about you, do you like fresh looks and change?
How often do you rearrange?

Come on guys . . . I need to know if I am normal or not?  . . .lol . . . I am afraid it's too late for that, but I would like to know!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Quick Meals

Ok, you find yourself crunched for time and you need a meal quick.
We know that picking up something is not in the budget, so what do you do?

What is your favorite throw together meal?

I will give you a few of mine to get started :)

Jar of Alfredo and bag of noodles - $2.00 for Alfredo and $.50 for noodles - just feed whole family for $2.50, if we want to splurge we add a can of white meat chicken for an extra $1.50
Pancakes or Waffles - total cost of all ingredients runs me about $2 - again if we want to splurge I might cook some bacon or sausage for an additional $2 or $3
Pizza Baked Spaghetti - fast and easy, just cook some of your favorite noodles, put in baking pan, top with a can of spaghetti sauce and then top like a pizza and bake - total cost about $5

Now tell me yours . . . I can't wait to try them.  I am always running out of time!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Don't ask me how . . . just ask me why!

Do you ever get tired of people asking you how you do it, when they find out you homeschool?

I wish they would just ask me why instead.

You see when you ask me how, I become overwhelmed with all that I do wife, mom, teacher, cook, laundress, nurse, maid, gardener, pet keeper, dental hygienist, manicurist, pedicurist, chauffeur, lego club leader, equestrian mom, plumber, handyman, curriculum assessor, grocery shopper,  . . . (i need to stop this is getting overwhelming. . .see I told you).

But when you ask me why, then I am reminded of why I made the choice to lead this crazy life.

I would be happy to go over the list of reasons why we homeschool.  (Note - "why we" - homeschooling works for us, that doesn't mean it's for everyone,. There are a lot of mom's out there who don't homeschool, and yet their list is longer than mine - I do get that.)

There are two reasons for why we homeschool that soar to the top of my list.

1) Several years ago my husband and I were in process to adopt a little boy.  After 18 months of loving, naming, and caring for him, the courts decided to move him into a different home.  We lost our baby.  It was on that day, when they loaded my baby in the car and pulled out of my driveway that I realized, we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  I only have this moment to spend with kids.  I only have today to tell them I love them.  I don't want to let them go eight hours a day for someone else to impart to them.  I want to be the one who does all the imparting.  I want them to know who I am, who their dad is, and how God allows us to be the people we are.

2) My young husband already has 23 years in with Chick-fil-A.  When you do the math you will see it is his first and only job (except for one experience that I will let him tell you about).  People eat chicken when they aren't in public school.  So holidays, breaks, and Saturdays are the times when he is guaranteed to work and work long hours.  Homeschooling allows my kids to spend lots of time with dad, that if they were in public school, it just wouldn't happen.  We school hard in the summer, at holidays, and yes even on Saturdays.  But we also go camping and spend lots of time with dad in the middle of September, the first of January, the second week of May, . . .you get the picture.

See it's true . . . I told you why we homeschool and here even as I type. . . I find myself excited and ready to tackle some more of my crazy life.

So now, it's your turn - Why do you homeschool?

Be ready to feel invigorated and ready to tackle at least on more of your crazy days :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Summer Reading List

I was surfing the web looking for reading lists for my kids.  I found this great list on  I want to share it with you.  We use it year around, not just summer.  Here are lots of great, wholesome books to add to your repertoire.

If you have must reads; please post them as a comment for all of us. . .

We all love a great book . . .

Happy Reading!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Here we go . . .again :)

A few years ago, we realized that we love to go camping.  Now, don't get the wrong pic in your head.  We are not sleep on the ground, forage for food kinda campers.  We are stay in the pop-up and make all the comfort foods of home kinda campers.  But we are away and daddy is with us.  He can talk to the chicken people but he can't get to them :)  We have him all to ourselves.  The time and the place don't really matter, just the fact that we are together - enjoying the moment - is high on the agenda.
Soon we will be off again, a few short days of our favorite past time, that still makes our friends and family laugh - YES, the Medlin's love camping!

Here are few of our nearby destinations - try them you may be surprised - you may be campers too!

Yogi Bear Jellystone Park - Waller Tx
Sam Houston National Forest - Cagle Campground - Huntsville, TX
KOA - Conroe, TX (they have indoor swimming pool for winter)
Huntsville State Park - Huntsville, TX

If you have some great places, please share . . .

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sweet 16

16 is a milestone!!!!
No none of my children are 16 years old, yet.
I am talking about the 16 years I have been married to my wonderful husband.
In this day and time, I am proud of our 16 years.  Most of the people our age have not reached this milestone and many are on their second time around.  Has it been easy - NO!  Was it worth it - YES!

Yesterday, I visited a couple in our church who were both in the same hospital.  They were on the same floor just doors away from each other, but they had not seen each other in four days.  While speaking to the wife, she began to cry.  I asked her what was wrong and she said, I miss my husband.  He has been my husband and friend for 60 years and I don't like being away from him.  I asked some questions and made a way for them to see each other.  As I wheeled her into his room, they both lit up, they spoke to each other about this and that, but mostly they just enjoyed each others presence.  When they found out today was our anniversary and that we had been married 16 years - they both laughed - "only 16", they said, "you are still babies.  Wait until you have been married for 60 years."

I can't wait until I can say I have spent 60 years with my best friend.  But until then, I will do my best to make the most of each year.  I will strive to love him more, to understand him more, to be a better friend and wife.  And someday my sweet 16 milestone will seem like just a teenage memory.

Gardening in a drought

Redo of yesterday. . .

Ok, it's not the blackbirds, grasshoppers, or hailstorms of "Little House on the Prairie", but gardening in a drought has tested the strength of my garden and my gardening skills.  I can give them city water several times a day, but nothing quenches a thirsty plant like water from the heaven's.  So you see it coming right. . . the sermon that can be found in this observation . . . we will now pause so you can preach it to yourself . . . let's recap - Only God's living water can keep me alive.

What does your modest compass say . . .

Redo of yesterday. . .

Ok, just because we school through the summer doesn't mean we don't love the activities that come with summer.  Swimming is one our favorite activities.  After a funny post from a friend on facebook, I realized that our modesty compass doesn't point the same as most.  So, I thought I would post some links for those who are looking for modest swimwear.

This is for those who are like us - just looking for a suit that doesn't make you wonder if all you parts are gonna fall out -

This is for those who feel it is imperative to be covered while swimming - you may have seen the Duggar's wear these -

And I found this one after yesterday's blog that was erased - this falls in between and has options for nursing mother's and ladies who have had mastectomies  -

I realize that these suit are not for the athletic swimmer.

I am not trying to push my modest compass on you.  I just wanted you to realize that there are options out there.  We have found some of these items at local thrift stores, so don't be overwhelmed at the price.

Happy Swimming!


Blogger went down yesterday and erased my both my posts.  How frustrating?  I will do my best to repost them.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Summer Break - NOT!

Well it's getting close. . . that time as a homeschool mom I dread. The end of the public school year.

You see, we are constant homeschoolers, because we are constant breakers.  Let me explain.  We don't ever really take an official break in our school year.  But we take frequent pauses to go camping, spend time with visiting relatives, spend days off with dad, let mom have a break, etc.  So, we homeschool year around.  In fall and spring, when the days are cool and pleasant - school days are short and time outside is long.  But on those hot summer days, when just looking outside makes us sweat - we have long school days and short outside time.  This is a great plan and my kids love it until all of our traditionally schooled friends get excited about "Summer Break".  And they look at me with those puppy dogs eyes and say, "mom, are we going to work all summer!"  And I look back with my most gracious smile and scream, "Yes, we are gonna work all summer, we haven't done thing all year!!!!!"

Homemade = Budget Friendly :)

So I have always been a friend of homemade, recently I have found that not only does homemade mean so many less chemicals, but it is very budget friendly - so we are now making our own . . .

laundry soap
bar soap
shower cleaner
dishwasher detergent

These things take much more time than picking them up from the store, but the benefits are worth it . . .


My next adventure homemade pasta . . .

Don't get me wrong, I am not proclaiming that you should make these things.  I am just letting you know what we do, because I want to know what you do.

What do you make homemade that most people buy at the store?

TELL ME!  and I will probably ask for your recipe :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spinach Time!

We harvested our first crop of spinach this week.

My wonderful husband (with the direction from my dad) turned my flower beds into garden boxes.  So all along my driveway we have the most beautiful food growing.  We have harvested a few radishes, but this spinach is our first major harvest.  I know it doesn't look like a lot, but remember we garden in our flower beds.  We grow to eat, not to preserve.

So this week - we will have spinach on our pizza, fresh salads with dinner, and awesome "lettuce" on our taco's.

We are changing it up a bit :)

Ok, so I realized that my life is so much more than just homeschooling.

We are homeschooling, gardening, penny pinching, make it from scratch kinda people.  And I want to be able to talk about all of that :)  So, we are expanding - with this new blog I can talk about it all - Yeah!

Little House in Tomball will be a blog of my adventures as I pioneer a lifestyle that is perfect for the Medlin's.  You can choose to read for ideas, support, or just pure entertainment.  Yes there are crazy people  out there who actually do this stuff :)

I love to hear your comments.
And I am excited about the changes.

Here we go. . .

Monday, April 4, 2011

Two Weeks

Well, the boys have been gone for almost two weeks. Two short weeks! Two long weeks! Just depends on when you catch me. . . lol. I had so many plans, so much I was gonna accomplish. You guessed it, it didn't happen - not one thing. Well, not one thing on my list anyway - what I did do was spend two weeks with the princess. This was her time. We did things just for her. We watched enough Little Men to make my head spin :) We built an antique dollhouse. We shopped and we shopped. We even went to the mall. . . agh! But you know what, it was great, precious time. Time to learn a little more about what makes her tick. So my list is still here on my desk, not one thing check off - and that is OK!

On those rare opportunities that you have to spend one on one time with your kids, what do you do? How do you capture the moments?

I am excited to hear . . .

Monday, March 14, 2011

A whole month

You know they say time flies when you're havin' fun. Well, it also flies when you just tryin' to survive. The last month here at the Medlin Homeschool has been one of the those months. Where you just strive everyday to keep your head above water and you make sure your kids aren't going stupid. lol So as I looked today and realized that a whole month had passed since my last post. I realize that sometimes life is not full of great quotes and lessons that enhance our abilities, sometimes life is just survival. Sometimes the reward of homeschooling is just the fact you did it one more day. Sometimes your kids learn perseverance more than English. Sometimes you have season when you just need to keep going. . .

I hope that amazing things have happened in your homeschool this last month. I hope that your are proud of yourself for surviving one more month. You can do it girls. The Lord gives us strength when all of ours is gone. Now we may not have enough strength to log in and blog. But He will give us strength to be the wife, mom, teacher . . . He created us to be.

Until next time, hopefully not a month. . .

Happy Homeschooling :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sometimes the Truth is Funny :)

Thought you gals could use a laugh today.
Found this on another homeschool blog.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cold Days ?

Okay, so it's cold enough in TX today to have a Cold Day - not a Snow Day - no precipitation, but a Cold Day :) the whole town is shutting down.

My question today is?
What do you call off "School" for?

Here is our list - camping, amazing weather, house guests, birthdays, new exhibits or exciting events at the Zoo (we are members), dad's day off work. . .

Please tell me, when do you call off school?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Math Lesson with God

I am not a big forwarded email kinda gal (or copy and paste as the case may be),
but my dad sent this to me and I wanted to pass it along.

I am so gonna work this into a math lesson :)

The Beauty of Mathematics!!!!!!!

1 x 8 + 1= 9
12 x 8 + 2= 98
123 x 8 + 3= 987
1234 x 8 + 4= 9876
12345 x 8 + 5= 98765
123456 x 8 + 6= 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7= 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8= 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9= 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9
+ 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?

And look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 =
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Mind Boggling….Isn’t it?
Now, take a look at this...

From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:

What Equals

What does it mean to give MORE than

Ever wonder about those people who say they
are giving more than

We have all been in situations where someone wants you to

GIVE OVER 100%...

How about

What equals
100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions:



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26



8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%



11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%



1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:

12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:

Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, It's the Love of God that will
put you over the top!

Monday, January 31, 2011

great ideas . . . lead to big questions

So I had this great idea last night as I lay in bed trying to sleep, that I was gonna blog about today, but for the life of me - I can't remember.

Must not have been that great then - huh?

Do you ever have trouble keeping up with it all? Do you sometimes think if your brain has to hold another spelling word it just might explode? Do you find that you dream of three different English lessons coming alive and seizing your vocal cords? Do you wonder if anyone else fantasizes about lesson plan fairies and instant math brain chips?

Do you find that just surviving Monday is a major life goal?

Here is to you and knowing you can do it - YOU CAN CONQUER MONDAY - I know you can :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Toys. . .

A comment on a past post got me to thinking.

What is the favorite toy in your house?

Is it a constant steady? Or are your toys preference fickle?

Three kids means three different favs - because they would all never agree on one.

So as of Jan 2011 our constant and steadies are and have been for quite some time . . . . (drum roll please) . . . legos and cars. The whole toy world could disappear, except these and life would go on at my house.

I know what your thinking, I said three kids and only two toys. Well, the princess, has never had a favorite, she has never been a big toy player, she was born to old to play with toys . . . lol. She enjoys the non-tangible things - time with friends, being outdoors, loving on animals, etc. So if all the toys in the world disappeared she would not even notice :)

So now it's your turn. . .
I really want to know, please tell . . .

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Simple or Complex

I have found that simple is better than complex in so many areas, recently.

Here is an example of one -

I tried for so long to find, create, use curriculum that was bright and vivid, full of stuff and pleasing to the eye. Recently I felt impressed to go with a new curriculum that was very plain and to the point, but very God centered. Oh my goodness, what a difference. They sit and do their work. They organize their desk and papers. They even want to do the lessons.

So, if your days seem to be an overload on the senses. . .

If you find your kids having trouble focusing . . .

. . .maybe just maybe simple is better that complex.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday still unplugged!

What do you do on Fridays?

We ease out of school and into the weekend!!!! Fridays are light for us. We do some school, but usually never a full day. We tie up our loose ends before the weekend and then spend the rest of the day just doing stuff. Only Mon-Fri is unplugged at our house. The kids may not use anything that requires a plug until the weekend - ex. tv, wii, ds, computer games (the computer is used during the week for research during school, but not play). So Friday is our day to get into something that stimulates our mind, not our electric bill. We have been known to spend time in the kitchen, or the backyard or even in the garage. We sometimes spend the time together or we may just have sometime apart working on crafty creative things. Many days by Friday we just need to be alone . . .lol.

What do your Friday's look like?

I am excited to hear . . .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

just a smile today . . .

Okay no grand enlightenment today . . . just a cute story I found in an old edition of the magazine The Teaching Home. March/April 1994 to be exact, told you it was old, but the story is still cute.

When You're Stuck Improvise
My two daughters and my son, who was then 3, were playing Hide n' Seek. The girls had been counting and then finding their little brother, who would scream with delight. Then they decided it was his turn to count, and to my surprise, he agreed. So the girls took off as their brother covered his eyes with his little hands and said, "One, two . . .(pause). I don't know how to count!" He stood there thinking for a few seconds, then said, "God is great, God is good. Let us play hide n' seek. Ready or not, here I come!" - Mari Larkin, Tampa, Florida

So today, just remember if it doesn't go as planned - improvise!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Chores . . . but MOM!


Oh my goodness! Most people in my house think this is a four letter word. Believe me when I say, we have tried it all. We've had lists, charts, rewards, punishments, you name it we've tried it. Currently we are on the best system to date :)

Each child has a different area of the house that is their responsibility. They are to keep that area clean and picked up - the area is to have a final pick up just before bed. Ex. - Kitchen - they load and unload dishwasher, they keep counters clean, they sweep frequently, and mop when needed. Another area is trash - that child is to keep up with all cans in the house and recycle, they keep track of trash days and make sure cans go to and from the curb. And the list goes on . . . Each child has two areas. I take care of anything left. If job is not done, then consequences are added to the area - Ex - if trash is not done, they one may have to scrub out cans with soap and water. If kitchen is not clean, then fronts of cabinets may be washed down. We rotate jobs every quarter. We have used this system for about a year and 1/2 now. We really like how it works. The jobs are expectations of being apart of the family. They are not paid for this work. This is their contribution to our household.

So I would love to know what works at your house?

Please tell me. . .

Monday, January 17, 2011

Core Subjects

What are your core subjects?

Do you use text books, "living" books, computer, or . . .?

The Medlin's are an eclectic bunch. We use mainly text books and cover seven different subjects. We don't stick with one publisher or process, we just do what fits each kids personality or the homeschool budget :)

Looking forward to your comments -

Type away. . .

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I know many still have snow on the ground or like here we are experiencing a big freeze, but let's think about gardening today.

Do you garden?
If so, do you incorporate this into school?

We garden, kinda . . .lol. In Texas, you can garden year around, but we only garden the first of the year. We start about now with potatoes and gradually add the things we eat through the rest of the season. Last year, I had to have surgery on my hand and our garden went bust. This year I am hopefully for a bountiful harvest. Now don't get the wrong impression in your head. We do not live out the country on a couple acres, where I have a big track of land I can plow up. We live in town in a sub-division, with a very small yard. Where do you garden? - you ask. I use my flower beds. I have one in the front of the house and one on the side of the house, that get the perfect amount of sun and rain. I make sure I plant aesthetically, so that the neighbors do not even notice my beautiful flowerbeds are vegetables. Now with this kind of gardening, I only produce enough for us to eat. We don't usually get enough to can or freeze. During season, gardening is part of our school and chore list. The kids really enjoy being apart of the process. I have one who loves to plant and one who loves to harvest. I have also found they are more apt to eat what they work hard to grow :)

Tell me more about what you do for gardening. . .
I need some pointers. . .

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Schedules, Calendars, Events, OH NO!

This is one that I have pondered each year and still have not found the perfect solution.

This topic, like yesterday, can be broken down into two different topics.

Daily Schedule -
How does school work at your house?

Is it a come and go, just so you get it done by the end of the day kinda feeling?

Or do you ring a bell, start with calisthenics and the pledge, and time each event through out the day?

We have tried it both ways :) right now we are caught somewhere in the middle.

One of the best tools I found when trying to make my daily schedule was the book Managers of the Their Home - while I do follow it to the letter. It does help me see what each of the kids need to accomplish and what I need to get done each day. I really like to use it at the beginning of each school year when I am planning out my year.

Weekly Schedule -
One way we try to keep a schedule going in our house is a Google calendar - each family member has a calendar and we are all linked together. This allows us to see where everyone is and what their doing each day. The kids have their school schedule in it, their extra curricular activities, their church stuff, etc. I have the school schedule, my monthly mom's meetings, church events, etc. And my husband puts in his work schedule, day off, church activities, etc. We can easily see any conflicts and lap-over and then decided, if we eliminate something or split up - I go one way, while dad goes another. It has helped so much this year, and we rarely forget an event now!

Now it's your turn . . .
Enlighten me, girls!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Homeschooling on the Road

Homeschooling on the road - well for most of us that has two different meanings.

There is the homeschooling on the road we do as we shuttle between lessons, games, field trips, practices, and such.

And then, there is the homeschooling on the road we do when we travel for vacations, family outings and extended periods of time.

How do you stay organized through it all?

Here is what we do -

Homeschool on the Road in town -
Each kid has a large three ring binder with tabs for each subject. Each week, I pull all paper work they need for the week, punch it and put in the binder under appropriate tab. Then all there school work is one place. Then if we have to school on the road they can grab, their binder and maybe one other book (reading or novel) and have everything they need. This makes it very easy to keep up with all they have to do and how much progress they are making. I usually empty their binders once a month and file the pages for documentation of work completed. This is our first year of doing this, and I love it. It is even handy around the house.

Homeschooling on the Road out of town-
This year, we spent the biggest part of November in California visiting family. I knew we were taking a big chunk of time off for Christmas, so I wanted to make sure we continued school on the road. Granted it was a scaled back version of school, but we did need to accomplish something. I also knew that I did not want to transport all our books to and from CA. I could not afford it and I did not want to risk losing any curriculum. So here is what I did - I pulled worksheet and reading pages that went with what I wanted to study while we were gone. Oceans, California, Thanksgiving, Math Concepts, Etc. I arranged them in the order I wanted them completed and then I bound them into a booklet. I own a small binding business, so I bound them with comb binding here at home. You can get books bound comb or spiral at any office supply store for around $4. Each kid had one bound book with all work to complete while we were gone. It saved on luggage and no fear of losing our curriculum. Worked out great and when we got home I just filed the completed book away for each kid.

So those are my ideas - Now I can't wait to hear yours!

Comment Away, Girls!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ministry Opportunities that are Kid Friendly

After coming out of the Christmas Season. I am sure we all have ideas on how we can allow our kids to have ministry opportunities that are right for their age and maturity level.

Here is one of mine - that I have been asked to share - my kids are all upper elementary

We continually keep "kits" in our car to pass to the homeless we see on the streets.
  • Each kits is either a freezer (freezer bags are more durable) gallon zip bag or a zipper lunch bag usually from the clearance section.
  • We fill each bag with nonperishable food - ex. sandwich crackers, tuna salad kits, apple sauce, chips, pop-tarts, nuts, granola bars, water, juice
  • Make sure that nothing requires water or heat to be consumed.
  • Make sure that all items can be opened without an extra tool.
  • We also put personnel items in the bags - ex. travel soaps and shampoos, toothbrushes, tissues, hand sanitizer, and in winter months gloves, hats, hand warmers
  • You can also purchase $.50 copies of the Bible at area Christian book stores that we have been known to include.
We have made large runs where we pass out many at a time. But usually we just keep a box of these in our car and my kids will always spot a homeless person that we can pass one along to.

This is great opportunity for my family, because as a homeschool family we are on the road a lot. This is a great way for my kids to be proactive in finding people to help. I like that we spend time as a family preparing them at home. I have also found that my kids hit the clearance section in most stores to see what items we can find for our "kits". It has been neat to watch them show compassion at their age. It is a safe way for my kids to minister in our community.

What ideas do you have?
Please post a comment :)

This blog is for you!

When talking with other homeschool moms, I find we often say . . .you should post that idea somewhere. . .well here is the somewhere!

I look forward to seeing all the creative things we do :)